not quite minimalistic enough  


It's never RICO

It’s not RICO!

Fake news

A surprising claim from CNN:

This week the experimental Airbus Perlan Mission II pressurized glider got there by silently riding atmospheric pressure waves. And then it kept going – smashing the record for human flight in a winged aircraft by reaching more than 76,000 feet.

The SR-71 pilots might disagree with that record.

Perhaps CNN is talking about the record for unpowered aircraft, or for subsonic flight? Getting enough air into any turbine at such an altitude requires supersonic speed, doesn’t it?



“Customers are required to take no action.”

For some reason, this arrant nonsense is permitted in English (cf. “All that is gold does not glitter”). It should clearly be “customers are not required to take any action” or “customers need not take any action”.


Einbildung ist auch 'ne Bildung

Also man fühlt sich ja schon irgendwie zumindest semiprofessionell, wenn man ein Problem mit einer (teilweise selbstgebauten) RS232 hat, der Vermutung unterliegt, sie beim teilweisen Selbstbauen gänzlich demoliert zu haben, und anstatt lange herumzuprobieren gleich das Oszilloskop aus dem Schrank holt.

Note to self: Muß das mit den Nullmodemkabeln irgendwann mal lernen.