not quite minimalistic enough  


The enshittification of Notepad

So Microsoft recently decided that Notepad, the simplest text editor ever that has been a wrapper around a multiline edit control and a few common dialogs for basically ever, needed tabs. Because everything needs tabs now, I suppose. The measure of a complete program is no longer “it can send e-mail”, but “it has tabs”. Or something.

Not only does it have tabs now, but it remembers the contents of those tabs so it can display them again next time you start it. It was not good enough to remember the files to load them again, no, it caches their content.

This means that one use case for Notepad is made massively useless by this highly not-sought-after misfeature: Looking at secrets. It goes like this:

  1. Open a file that has a secret key in it or something.
  2. Use it.
  3. Close Notepad.
  4. Remove the removable storage that the file is on, or “lock” the encrypted volume, or whatever, so the key is isolated from the outside world again.
  5. Start Notepad again.
  6. Stare in horror at the secret key you thought was safe, but which Notepad copied to insecure local storage without asking.
  7. Frenziedly search for where that copy is (%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\Microsoft.WindowsNotepad....\LocalState\TabState) and delete it.
  8. Work out that the abomination now called Notepad has a settings window (via the gear menu on the right of the menu bar) and that you can disable the caching by setting it to open a new window on startup (this also deletes the cache) and even get rid of the tabs by setting it to open files in a new window.

Have a nice day.


Second insight of the day

It’s time for my favorite thing. Let’s have a Python packaging rant.

Most people know that the Python world’s approach to packaging and distribution is best summarized, and probably directly inspired, by xkcd.

A long time ago, the decision was made, or accepted by mutual apathy, how installation tools like pip and the late, unlamented easy_install would find packages:

  1. Predict the file name (possibly more than one).
  2. Load an HTML page.
  3. Check every <a> on that page.
  4. Use the one that points at the most preferred file name variation.

The only thing in the page that is at all interesting in this model are the //a/@hrefs. Everything else is noise.

Enter pip 22.0, released ~2 days ago. It now uses a different parser for HTML pages than previous versions. Instead of the certainly entirely overpowered html5lib, whatever that is, it is now using something else, apparently called html.parser.

Remember, the approach to looking up download links for package files consists of looking at <a> elements. Finding them in HTML, however close to, or far from, the spec it may be, is not a big issue. (Anyone who allows user-generated content on a download page is beyond help anyway.)

Why, then, the switch to a parser that, in order to find <a> elements, requires that the page have a correct <!DOCTYPE html> declaration, i.e. the claim that it adheres to the HTML5 spec?

The HTML5 “spec” shall not be gone into here any further.

The result is pip 22.0.2, an emergency release so urgent that it could not even be tagged in the repo before it was put on PyPI (and the tag has still not been created as of press time). In the typical manner, whenever it encounters a page that does not have the canonical <!DOCTYPE> it will print a warning blaming the user for their audacity in installing packages from sources that do not wrap their unstructured lists of <a> elements in proper, (un)well-specified HTML5.

Hey, PyPA, you want a proper fix for that? Publish a file. One single file. Its name will end in “.xsd”, and it will describe how lists of package links are supposed to look.

Ceterum censeo: This bug would have been avoided by not suggesting to package publishers that you will accept any line noise as long as there are <a> elements in it, then suddenly deciding that the stuff surrounding the <a> elements really matters to you.

tl;dr: Shame on you. This took at least six minutes to write, go enjoy it.

First insight of the day

The trials of testing

PyCharm is a great IDE for Python development. Its support for Django projects is really good (if only it applied environment variables from the Django project setup to run configurations …).

As with everything Python, the structure of Django projects is not set in stone and everyone has their own preferred style. Mine is to have applications in (below) a common subdirectory. Unfortunately this means that Django’s built-in test framework (or possibly just unittest) does not find the tests on its own and I had to invent some complicated workarounds to automate them to my satisfaction.

This morning I discovered that all it needs to work is for me to tell it that that common subdirectory is a module by giving it an


Not surprising.

So the PHP people, in a display of cleverness akin to that generally displayed in the development of their product, have put their downloads behind an automated guess at the “human-ness” of the client.

This obviously broke all automated updating everywhere, including by the FreeBSD Ports Collection. Very helpful, that.

Their bug tracker is apparently on its Christmas holiday, too.


Extremely Tenacious

Edge updates (and also others that include something called the Edge WebView2) fail with 0x800951dd on some computers, but not others. Hm. 9 is FACILITY_SECURITY. The event log is full of “Windows Event Reporting”; dozens of events for each installation attempt. What is going on?

From the log (cleverly stored in %PROGRAMDATA%) is appears that the updater really wants to phone home, and if it cannot, it prefers to crash. Where the security thing comes from is unclear, particularly because 0x51dd is undocumented. Direct HTTP is blocked, so the installer prematurely departs this mortal coil. And tries again. And again. And again.

On computers where it works the log shows that the updater figures out where the proxy is, so the quick fix (until I figure out how to make the updater behave) is to tell the updater the same on the problematic systems.


All glory to ccache!

From the poudriere logs:

Port Build date Elapsed time
devel/llvm90 2020-09-28 05:52:49
devel/llvm90 2020-10-02 00:17:10

Time saved thanks to ccache (your praise be sung in all homes!): 95.13 %, or in other words, a ~2000 % speedup.


MailItem in changing times.

According to the documentation, the first parameter of the Reply (and ReplyAll, and Forward) events on a MailItem event in Outlook is “the new item being sent in response to the original message”.

Uh, no. At least in VSTO; not sure about VBA, but I cannot see how it could be different there given that VSTO is a wrapper around the same COM interfaces. The argument is the original item that is being responded to:

void OnReply(object Response, ref bool Cancel)
    Cancel = false;

    if (Response is Outlook.MailItem item) {
        string html = item.HTMLBody;
        int pos = html.LastIndexOf("</body>");
        item.HTMLBody = html.Insert(pos, "This is the modified item. ");

After this handler runs, the original item that was replied to will have the new sentence at the end, while the reply is entirely original. I suppose this means that the response message is created first, and then the event fires with the wrong argument.

Helpfully, though, when using Outlook’s preview/reading pane (whatever its name is this afternoon) the InlineResponse event on the Explorer object actually gets the correct message, i.e. the new one.

Trust Issues

After developing a new Outlook VSTO add-in, I noticed that at the first start after installing it (by the MSI method), Outlook would display a trust warning. The add-in is unsigned, but this should still not happen based on my experience from other add-ins.

As it turns out, there are two ways to “grant trust to the solution”:

The latter presumably works because Office assumes that write access to Program Files is sufficient evidence of administrative intent.

My installation path was C:\Program Files\Some Company\SomeAddin.

Huh. Now what?

… oh no, they didn’t …

… yes, they did.

Can you guess?



OK, a hint. The “Program Files” directory?



Either you have figured it out by now, or are hungry for the solution (because why else would you still be reading this?), so here it is:

The “Program Files” directory they talk about is the same “Program Files” directory that Office is installed in. My scenario involved a .NET assembly compiled to MSIL, so naturally I put it into the 64-bit Program Files directory because that one is more native to the system. The Office installation, however, was still 32-bit, and Outlook came to the (well, partially) unreasonable conclusion that:

"C:\Program Files\" != "C:\Program Files (x86)\"

Therefore the add-in was not installed in the Program Files directory, and therefore not to be trusted by default.


A Bitmap, wrapped in a knotted Ribbon.

Writing Office add-ins has always been a bit of a dark art because there is not really all that much documentation, and what there is, tends to, let’s say, have been overtaken by events.

This is particularly true where VSTO, the Visual Studio Tools for Office, otherwise known as the .NET wrappers around the COM add-in API, is concerned. Even a seemingly simple task like finding out correct signatures for callback methods can be surprisingly difficult because the authoritative page still only mentions Office 2007, and you can never know what may have changed in the last 13 years. (Wow. Has it been that long?)

OK, enough of the empty complaining. Let’s get to the useful information. Everything below is based on current Office 365 with the latest VSTO version as of today, 10.0.60724.

The loadImage callback

The correct C# signature for the callback method named in <customUI loadImage="LoadImageCallback"> is:

public Bitmap LoadImageCallback(string imageId)

There are various discussions around the Internet on whether this method should return Bitmap or stdole.IPictureDisp, or whether Bitmap works everywhere except Outlook.

Bitmap works everywhere including Outlook.

Namespaces and idQ

When using the idQ attribute to identify controls, you may notice that your callbacks aren’t. Called, that is. This is explained in a paragraph about one-third down the page linked above:

If you use a COM add-in to customize the Fluent UI, the namespace name must be the ProgID of the COM add-in, but the behavior is otherwise the same. When you use a shared add-in, the ProgID is AddInName.Connect. When you use Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System (Visual Studio 2005 Tools for Office Second Edition) to create the add-in, the ProgID is the name of the add-in.

(Emphasis mine.)

VSTO is actually older than the W3C recommendation on “Namespaces in XML 1.0”, Second Edition, so I have to admit that the idea did not contradict the spec at the time. (The original recommendation from 1999 mentioned that the intent was to use URIs, but did not yet require it.)

However, I fail to see the reason why the namespace ID must be the add-in’s name, unless it is the result of a very ugly shortcut in the implementation of the “Fluent” UI, i.e. the Ribbon. It would be entirely simple for the host application to associate any string with the add-in whose GetCustomUI() returned the particular bit of XML.

By the way, the “name of the add-in” in the VSTO case above, that the namespace ID has to match, is the name of the subkey of SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\...\Addins. In addition to being true empirically, it also matches the non-VSTO case because the only place where the ProgID is involved in the process of loading an add-in is that Registry key.


Ein Körnchen Wahrheit.

Daß Versandbenachrichtigungen immer gelogen sind, weil sie im Zweifelsfall dadurch ausgelöst werden, daß der Aufkleber erzeugt wird, ist ja nicht neu. Neu ist, daß jemand die Lüge aus der Überschrift schon im ersten Satz so klar entlarvt.
